Friday, November 7, 2008

Yeah E!

My little brother has been playing soccer since...forever. Really. And depending on the outcome, tomorrow may very well be his last official game. I'm sure he'll play in adult leagues and coach (remind me to tell you his story about coaching 3 year olds, "the squirts"), but since he's a senior in college, his official soccer career is over. Weird!

But today he got the got the winning goal in his league playoff game. Well done, E. Way to make the Dutchmen (seriously?) and the Brennans proud. Not as proud as we were that time you drank those beers out of the centerpiece at Doug's wedding, though.
(Fantastic MS Paint job done by my dad.)

1 comment:

slb said...

yay for ian! also, yay for your dad, paint is magical. i have no real tips, but i can tell you it was created by a pem day alum.