Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Friday!

I am working from home today, and it is beautiful in SF! I just walked to the gym, and I swear to god, had I whistled a little tune, a tiny bird would have alighted on my finger - it is just that kind of day.

The gym itself was delightfully empty, but the scene in the locker rooms was weird. Naked old ladies, lounging around, rubbing cream (just a guess - could have been lime jello for all the time I took to look) in places that were mercifully hidden under rolls of skin. I guess I was on their turf, a nude-but-swimming-capped bizarro world populated only by the post-menopausal.

Now I am off to drink iced caffeinated beverages and squint at my computer screen in the sun. And I am going to wear a sundress, without boots, without a scarf, without a blazer, and only with a cute little cap on my head if I really feel like it.

Working from home is the BEST!

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